Coverage reports no longer processing


Python coverage reports stopped processing 4 days ago. 7 days ago coverage was processing normally.

The only details provided in the ui are: There was an error processing coverage reports.



Browser Firefox 67 OS linux codecov version 2.0.15 from pypi

Additional Information

codecov config

tox config

Would appreciate any help on this, it’s not apparent that I changed any settings for this to stop working as expected.

Also more than willing to provide more information or test changes.

Looks like maybe this was something on the side? I didn’t change anything, but came into coverage reports parsing and the badge working again this morning. Thanks to whoever got this working :smiley:.

Hi @AlexanderHagerman

Sorry for the delay in responding. I think you might have been affected by this bug Bug on notifications / statuses not posting [now squashed]

Glad to hear it’s working again!