"service must be ci-provider" for PRs


My PRs have stopped sending coverage data to codecov, but only for my PRs (e.g.: master works fine). I’m getting a 400 from codecov:

==> Detecting CI provider
    GitHub Actions CI Detected
==> Preparing upload
==> Processing gcov (disable by -X gcov)
==> Collecting reports
    Generating coverage xml reports for Python
    + /home/runner/work/django-afip/django-afip/coverage.xml bytes=42090
==> Uploading
    .url https://codecov.io
    .query commit=ccdb41011d6b9f36ca36f815c5fd0c48d0c890c6&branch=test-credit-note&build_url=http%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FWhyNotHugo%2Fdjango-afip%2Factions%2Fruns%2F133686742&token=<secret>&service=github&build=133686742&slug=WhyNotHugo%2Fdjango-afip&yaml=codecov.yml&package=py2.1.5
    Gzipping contents..
    Compressed contents to 4058 bytes
    Pinging Codecov...
Error: HTTP 400
service must be ci-provider




I’m using codecov’s Python client. Re-doing my entire CI pipeline is not really an option right now.

Commit SHAs

Seems to happen for all PRs, but here’s a couple:

  • b7b01cd1a1118c6ce8058e89fc501da344e86588
  • ccdb41011d6b9f36ca36f815c5fd0c48d0c890c6

Codecov YAML

$ cat codecov.yml
comment: off

Codecov Output

      _____          _
     / ____|        | |
    | |     ___   __| | ___  ___ _____   __
    | |    / _ \ / _  |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /
    | |___| (_) | (_| |  __/ (_| (_) \ V /
     \_____\___/ \____|\___|\___\___/ \_/

==> Detecting CI provider
    GitHub Actions CI Detected
==> Preparing upload
==> Processing gcov (disable by -X gcov)
==> Collecting reports
    Generating coverage xml reports for Python
    + /home/runner/work/django-afip/django-afip/coverage.xml bytes=42090
==> Uploading
    .url https://codecov.io
    .query commit=ccdb41011d6b9f36ca36f815c5fd0c48d0c890c6&branch=test-credit-note&build_url=http%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FWhyNotHugo%2Fdjango-afip%2Factions%2Fruns%2F133686742&token=<secret>&service=github&build=133686742&slug=WhyNotHugo%2Fdjango-afip&yaml=codecov.yml&package=py2.1.5
    Gzipping contents..
    Compressed contents to 4058 bytes
    Pinging Codecov...
Error: HTTP 400
service must be ci-provider

Additional Information

Nothing changed on my pipelines recently, so this looks like an issue on codecov’s side.

Hi @WhyNotHugo, this is probably an issue with 2.1.5. Could you try downgrading to 2.1.4 of the python uploader and see if that’s still an issue?

Hi @WhyNotHugo, pending a review from the product team, the fix should go out Monday as 2.1.6

Hi @WhyNotHugo, we just released 2.1.6. Let me know if you are still having issues.