GitHub PR not being updated with final coverage data

@tom Looks like we are getting extra comments after removing the after_n_builds parameter too.
See: Adjust cmake to install same .h and .pc files as configure by dankegel · Pull Request #642 · zlib-ng/zlib-ng · GitHub
To me, this looks like somehow forgets about its previous comments and opts to make a new one. What this instance tells me is that after_n_builds causes the forgetting (or messes up so it cannot be recognized later) so that even after the parameter has been removed we still get the duplication.
IE: after_n_builds does not cause the extra comment directly, but rather by forgetting/messing it up, so the effect is that there will be new comments later.

Not sure whether I managed to explain what I mean well enough, just ask if anything is unclear.

I’ll try to explain using pseudocode. This is how it should work:

global has_comment = 0
    if not has_comment:
        has_comment = 1

But this is how it looks like to me now:

global has_comment = 0
    if not has_comment:
        if not after_n_builds:
            has_comment = 1