Codecov for Xcode project shows "There was an error processing coverage reports.", which I can see the correrct llvm-cov report



I’m a open source contributor who works on this project: GitHub - SDWebImage/SDWebImageHEIFCoder: A SDWebImage coder plugin to support HEIF image without Apple's Image/IO framework.

This project use Codecov to build Xcode project and gather the code coverage report (which it’s the LLVM-cov report).

However, it always shows like this:

I test the command locally, the llvm-cov report can be successfuly generated, does this because of some configugration ?

This is my codecov.yaml, as well as the command line output:


Codecov page is here: Codecov
GitHub - SDWebImage/SDWebImageHEIFCoder: A SDWebImage coder plugin to support HEIF image without Apple's Image/IO framework.


macOS 10.15.3, Chrome 81.0.4044.113

Additional Information

See the log output:

_____ _

1930 / ____| | |

1931| | ___ __| | ___ ___ _____ __

1932| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ \ / /

1933| |___| (_) | (_| | __/ (_| (_) \ V /

1934 \_____\___/ \__,_|\___|\___\___/ \_/

1935 Bash-tbd



1938==> Travis CI detected.

1939 project root: .

1940 Yaml found at: codecov.yml

1941==> Processing Xcode reports via llvm-cov

1942 DerivedData folder: ./DerivedData/iOS

1943 + Building reports for SDWebImageHEIFCoder framework

1944 + Building reports for SDWebImageHEIFCoder framework

1945==> gcov disabled

1946==> Python coveragepy not found

1947==> Searching for coverage reports in:

1948 + .

1949 -> Found 1 reports

1950==> Detecting git/mercurial file structure

1951==> Appending build variables


1953 + default

1954==> Reading reports

1955 + ./SDWebImageHEIFCoder.framework.coverage.txt bytes=26591

1956==> Appending adjustments


1958 + Found adjustments

1959==> Gzipping contents

1960==> Uploading reports

1961 url:

1962 query: branch=&commit=6eccdd60b213bfc56443ad8f271dc0da4291df80&build=149.1&build_url=&name=&tag=0.8.0&slug=SDWebImage%2FSDWebImageHEIFCoder&service=travis&flags=ios&pr=false&job=675760900

1963 -> Pinging Codecov


1965 -> Uploading

1966 -> View reports at

Travis-CI build link:

Codecov report link:

HI @dreampiggy (love the username), sorry for the long wait time here. Unfortunately, the commit is a little old for us to inspect, would you be able to write another commit and we can investigate why you are getting the error message?